Download Helvetica Normal and Bold For Free Here, [:: Click Here to view all Helvetica Font Variants ::]

Download Proxima Nova, font family Proxima Nova by with Regular weight and style, download file name is proximanova-regular.otf. Download Proxima Nova Bold, font family Proxima Nova by with Bold weight and style, download file name is proximanova-bold.otf.

Font FamilyProxima Nova
Font NameProxima Nova Light
File Nameproximanova-light.otf
VersionVersion 1.000;PS 001.000;hotconv 1.0.38
Related Keywords
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More Fonts Like Proxima Nova Light

Proxima Nova Condensed Light Italic - Light Italic

Proxima Nova Condensed Semibold Italic - Semibold Italic

Proxima Nova Condensed Regular Italic - Regular Italic

#Proxima Nova Web Fonts

#####The package contains 5 variants of the proxima nova web fonts.

  • Proxima Nova Thin ['proxima_nova_scosfthin' OR 'proxima_nova_ltthin']
  • Proxima Nova Regular ['Proxima Nova']
  • Proxima Nova Semi-Bold ['proxima_nova_ltsemibold']
  • Proxima Nova Bold ['proxima_nova_altbold']
  • Proxima Nova Black ['proxima_nova_altblack']
Proxima Nova ZipProxima nova font free download


Proxima Nova Free

To use the 'Proxima Nova Web Fonts' Download the package as a zip file and extract the fonts folder.

  • Put the fonts folder anywhere on your server
  • In your html file include the fonts.css or fonts.min.css as follows:

Proxima Nova Condensed Zip

  • And finally in your CSS stylesheets use as follows:
Proxima Nova Zip


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Proxima Nova Light Zip

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